Software > Flash Image Scroller

Flash Image Scroller - 1.71

This release (1.7.1) has some known bugs (see thread). You may wish to use 1.6 until these issues have been resolved. You can read about version 1.6 here. Unfortunately I'm not available to help support this script - I do apologize, but right now I'm focussed on a number of other projects.


The Flash image scroller is a simple, free (GNU-licenced), highly configurable Flash script that you can add to your webpages to provide an intuitive "window" to scroll through a series of thumbnail images. Currently it only allows for horizontal scrolling. It is compatible with any server side language like PHP, ASP, JSP, ColdFusion etc.

The configurable options include:
  • Any thumbnail size
  • Glow, shadow and zoom mouseover effects
  • Auto-scrolling and smooth loading (thumbs fade in sequentially)
  • Infinite looping
  • Randomizing the thumbnail order
  • Captions - including font size, colour and alignment
  • The URL and target (e.g. frame name) to link to for each thumbnail
  • XML or query string-based source file
  • Option to send thumb info to javascript on clicking thumb
  • The colour of the scroller background, nav links and thumbnail backgrounds
Your browser is not able to run this Flash script. The requirements are:
- JavaScript must be enabled
- You must have Flash installed

Included in the download package is Geoff Stearns' excellent SWFObject (formerly FlashObject). This is a Flash detection and embed script, which does all the nitty gritty of determining whether or not a person's browser is capable of running the script. SWFObject greatly simplifies your job of adding the image scroller to your website in a cross-browser friendly manner. It's available for download and use under the MIT license. Also, the Flash / JavaScript Integration Kit written by Christian Cantrell and Mike Chambers from Adobe. This script allows us to send information from Flash to JavaScript.

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