2012 Bird List

Posted on Jul 16, 2012 in Birding, Blog, Other | 0 comments

My goal was to reach 400 bird species sighting this year: as of Nov 15th, mission accomplished! During my travels I took a number of photographs of the birds listed here. Check out: http://www.benjaminkeen.com/birding/

Fiji (12)

Fiji Parrotfinch
Collared Lory
Pacific Reef Heron
White-faced Heron3
Common Myna
Wandering Tattler
Red-vented Bulbul
Vanikoro Flycatcher
Collared Kingfisher
Wattled Honeyeater
Crested Tern
Fiji Woodswallow

New Zealand (61)

Song Thrush

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Bird Photography

Posted on Jul 15, 2012 in Birding, Blog, Fun Stuff | 0 comments

The last few years I’ve been getting more and more into bird watching, or “birding” as the more officious insist on calling it. When I was traveling last year, a lot of my time was going to various birding spots in New Zealand, Australia and other countries. I thought it was high time I updated my site to include.

I’ve open-sourced a lot of the images through wikimedia, so if you need any of them – for whatever purpose – let me know and I’ll ensure they have the appropriate “rights” to let you do whatever you want with them. *sigh* what an absurdly legal world we live in.

For the moment, I’ll start with some local wildlife shots I’ve taken, then over time upload some older shots. Enjoy.

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