The Flash Image Scroller is now available for download! Thanks again to my company CityXpress for letting me finish off the code at work. You can read about and download the tool here.
I’ve included some documentation on the tool, including an overview, some examples, a list of available configuration options, notes on installation and a description of the download file contents. Hopefully this should prove enough documentation to let you get it up and running on your site quickly and easily. If not, you can always reply to this thread.
All the best! :-)
Great script, but somehow the scrolling stops, everytime I move my mouse over the applet.
This makes it kinda useless.
Isn’t there any way to turn the mouse-over function OFF?
Hey – I am trying to create a flash piece with an image scroller, that when the image is clicked it’ll launch a details window or if a non-flash link is clicked it’ll launch the details window and scroll to the correct photo in the scroller. Is this possible?
Lightbox example here:
…here should be lightbox .js libs….
………some html………..
var so3 = new SWFObject(“swf/scroller_x.swf”, “scroller1”, “800”, “150”, “8”);
so3.addVariable(“sourceFile”, “gallery.xml”);
so3.addVariable(“fileType”, “XML”);
so3.addVariable(“infiniteLoop”, “yes”);
…..more params…..
function image_scroller_clicked(info)
var objLink = document.createElement(‘a’);
// objLink.setAttribute(‘title’,info.caption);
someone stole my HTML tags ;)
anyway, don’t forget to include JavaScriptFlashGateway.js
Made a tutorial on how I personally got the image scroller to work here:
Thanks Benjamin for a great script!
This is great!! Thanks for the great software!!!
I have got the image scroller up and working but not all the images are loading, can you help?
@Adin (and anyone else): It indeed seems you have fixed the left button issue. Can you please let us know how you fixed it, or at least provide the FLA file so we can implement our own changes as well?
Thanks in advance.
Hi! this is a really good application, I currently instaled and its working really well except for a bug which is that when the scroll ends, if you try to click on the left narrow to scroll back, an image will position over it and user wont be able to check back the images of the scroll, anyone got an idea on how to fix this? thank you
I am able to get the images to load by editing the php file, however I cannot get the pictures to link in the XML file. I take it using the php file is the query string method, but where in that php file do I put the options for links and such? I tried to utilize the xml file and link to it instead of the php file int he options, howevr it never works. Can anyone help?
Is it possible to turn off the mousover function that stops the picture scroll? I have seen a couple of others ask this question, and I was wondering the same. The reason I would like to disable it, is because if the mouse is dragged over the pictures as soon as the page loads, the images never start scrolling.
Thanks for the great script. It has been a big help!
Great script! Lots of options, which is great! Is there a way to remove the navaigation arrows and just let it autoscroll and ignore any mouse overs? It appears that I could change the color of the navigation bars and arrows, but the white space would still be there. My question is similar to #106. Any tips?
If it detects flash is not present is there a way to display a static image?
i see a big white space below my thumbnails, any idea whats causing that?
A script in this movie is causing Flash Player to run slowly
i keep getting that, any ideas how to remove that?
Adin’s ‘fixed the left arrow bug when the image pops over the arrow’ version can also be downloaded here >> (because rapidshare sucks)! Many thans Adin, works perfectly! And many thanks Benjamin, great little flash! Love it!!
I’d like to use your script in a chinese language web site, but when I try to set the caption to some Chinese like “ä¸å›½”, the caption will not be displayed at UI, could you please help on this?
Nice work, thanks
Can we have direction option in autoscroll function? Left to right or Right to left
Hi Benjamin,
I am having trouble getting the images to show up. I have them in my public_html/images/scroller_stuff folder and I’m not sure what is needed to put for the php file. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have also specified the images with an xml document and am wondering what the url should look like. Can I just put public_html/images/scroller_stuff/myfile.png? I’m pretty new to code and don’t know much about it.
Can someone help me? My site is and I have done everything correctly I think. The php file I am using is as follows. My folder that I have specified only contains the thumbnails. Does it have to include the .swf file also? I am new to code and would appreciate any help that you can give.
$image_folder_dir = “.images/scroller_stuff”;
$image_folder_url = “”;
// ———————————————————
$count = 1;
if ($handle = opendir($image_folder_dir))
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if ($file != ‘.’ && $file != ‘..’)
echo “&thumbURL{$count}=$image_folder_url/{$file}”
. “&target{$count}=_blank&”;
Hey I am using your image scroller and I was wondering if there is a way to have the images auto scroll after being moused over? Right now if I mouse over the image scroller it all it stops and does not restart, is there a way to have it not do this?
I have been messing with your program for a couple days now. I would like to implement it on my website where the current static pictures are shown now, right underneath the links at the top of my page.
I did a successful test on my localhost using a different template than im currently using on my site online. However, when i tried to put it up on my live site, i couldnt get it to work. The most i got was a blank white box there the flash should be displayed. I think maybe other script elements on the page may be interfering… can you take a look at my code and tell me what im doing wrong, or what doesnt look right?
Hi, I found your script a few days ago and it is really amazing.
I have two questions concerning the Scroller:
1. When I hover a picture without clicking the mouse the scroller stops. Is it possible to start scrolling after I un-hover or zoom-out?
2. Is it possible to hide the arrows on each side of the scroller?
Thanks you…
I am testing the horizontal image scroller, but having some trouble. Can you please help? Thanks so much. It is currently at The html script is below. Thanks again!
Your browser is not able to run this Flash script.
– JavaScript must be enabled
– You must have Flash installed
var so3 = new SWFObject(“scroller_x.swf”, “scroller1”, “100%”, “66”, “8”);
so3.addVariable(“sourceFile”, “my_thumb_info.txt”);
so3.addVariable(“fileType”, “text”);
so3.addVariable(“scrollSpeed”, “10”);
so3.addVariable(“stageWidth”, “600”);
so3.addVariable(“stageHeight”, “66”);
so3.addVariable(“thumbSize”, “60”);
so3.addVariable(“bgColor”, “666666”);
so3.addVariable(“navColor”, “333333”);
&thumbURL1=C:\Program Files\Yahoo SiteBuilder\sites\CBC\images\heaven.jpg &title1=How Can I Go To Heaven 1&target1=_blank&linkURL1=
&thumbURL2=C:\Program Files\Yahoo SiteBuilder\sites\CBC\images\online.jpg&title2=Listen To Sermons Online 2&target2=_blank&linkURL2=
&thumbURL3=C:\Program Files\Yahoo SiteBuilder\sites\CBC\images\calendar2.png&title3=Upcoming Events 3&target3=_blank&linkURL3=
&thumbURL4=C:\Program Files\Yahoo SiteBuilder\sites\CBC\images\pray.jpg&title4=Can We Pray For You? 4&target4=_blank&linkURL4=
&thumbURL5=C:\Program Files\Yahoo SiteBuilder\sites\CBC\images\squire.jpg&title5=Squire Parsons – April 10th 5&target5=_blank&linkURL5=
Hello Benny, am glad to have seen this site, thanks. You have really saved some of us a lot of stress… but there is this thing that is difficult for me, after installing the stuff the images refused to show I don’t know what is the problem.. that source file for image scroller, do I put it within the php script ‘get_folder_images.php’, and one more thing, how can I update the path to the image folder, do I do it this way? ” $image_folder_dir = “image_folder”;
$image_folder_url = “http://localhost/image_folder”;… I hope to see your reply, thanks…
Hello folks!
I create the xml file and I have changed the php to my web site.
After that I create the image_folder and I put the images there.
I have downloaded all the scrollerimagesoftware to my /var/www/.
Within, I create on the the call to the javascript.</head and in the I have inserted the and the rest of necessary code.
But I only see the text that javascript and the flashplayer has to be installed as wrote on the html
Can Somebody help me please.
thanks anyway.
hello folks again,
I will be more specifically…
I have create the file txt
My caption
My Second Caption
My Third Caption
after that I have change the .php
$image_folder_dir = “./image_folder”;
$image_folder_url = “localhost/chris/image_folder”;
// ———————————————————
$count = 1;
if ($handle = opendir($image_folder_dir))
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if ($file != ‘.’ && $file != ‘..’)
echo “&thumbURL{$count}=$image_folder_url/{$file}”
. “&target{$count}=_blank&”;
and i insert the html on index.html on my /var/www
Your browser is not able to run this Flash script.
– JavaScript must be enabled
– You must have Flash installed
var so3 = new SWFObject(“scroller_x.swf”, “scroller1”, “100%”, “66”, “8”);
so3.addVariable(“sourceFile”, “my_thumb_info.txt”);
so3.addVariable(“fileType”, “text”);
so3.addVariable(“scrollSpeed”, “10”);
so3.addVariable(“stageWidth”, “600”);
so3.addVariable(“stageHeight”, “66”);
so3.addVariable(“thumbSize”, “60”);
so3.addVariable(“bgColor”, “666666”);
so3.addVariable(“navColor”, “333333”);
What is Wrong?