The rewrite project is definitely on the final stretch! This latest Beta contains all the remaining user account CRUD functionality, which wraps up all remaining development. As usual, you can find it here:

There are a few more changes coming down the pipe.

  • First, I’ve added a simple User Documentation section here: It’s crude right now, but it won’t take long to get ship-shape.
  • Secondly, I’m going to be moving the Developer Doc out of the downloadable script and into that section. Initially, I thought having a one-stop shop of all documentation within the main download (PHPDoc, JSDoc + Developer Doc) would be extremely convenient, but I’ve lately been rethinking this, due to the next point…
  • I’ve removed the built-in PHPDoc, and will shortly be doing the same for the JSDoc. Frankly it was just more fuss than it’s worth. In today’s world, github easily allows for browsing of the code – and the additional layer of auto-generated documentation just didn’t add enough value. The code is very readable. If you were able to make sense of the auto-generated doc, then you were able to make sense of it via the source code.

I’ve also started on the new website. I forked the public project into a private repo so I can easily update the codebase from upstream. Should work well, I think.

And… that’s pretty much it! I’m quite pleased with my progress these last few days.