Announcing… the new home of the Data Generator project:

I worked almost exclusively on this over the last few days to get the sucker out the door.

The site is almost entirely Ajax-generated, which is rather cool. I’ve been wanted to work on a full fledged Ajax site for a while, and this project presented the opportunity. I figured that since the people that will be frequenting the site are more apt to be technologically proficient than the average user, it was reasonable to assume they be using a modern(ish) browser that could handle the javascript.

But in addition to the new website, I also upgraded the program itself. Namely, there are these two new features:

– An option to save, load and delete your forms. This was an absolute DOOZY to get going properly on all browsers, but I’m pretty happy with the solution. I ended up having to write a separate JS code execution queue to get around timing problems in the code. This will come in handy with another project I’ll be embarking on this Fall…
- A new Auto-increment column (1,2,3…, 1,5,10…, 100,101,102…, 1000,999,998… etc).

    The site includes it’s own forums, so from now on – please post all questions, problems, and comments there.
