My apologies to anyone who’s emailed me lately, I’ve been up to my eyeballs in work and haven’t yet found the time to respond to everybody. I replied to a dozen or so last night, and will do so again tonight. Here’s what I’ve been up to, just to prove I haven’t been spending all my time playing Warcraft…

  • The Legal Services Society: developing them a “proof of concept” Google Maps-driven site, in a similar vein to another site I helped develop:
  • The BP Way (Beyond Petroleum) – another registration site. This just appeared on my horizon and is due in under two weeks. Erk.
  • Day job! All of a sudden, my day job got rather busy. I may have to put in some overtime to get my current project finished by the deadline next week.
  • Form Tools 1.4.6. Let’s not forget the old workhorse, Form Tools. I took a short vacation last week to visit my girlfriend in Saskatoon. While I was there I managed to finish a first draft of the code (while she was at school). I’m shooting for getting a Beta out the door by the end of the month.