I spent a little over a week down in Panama this month. As always, here are a few pictures from the trip. That little beauty shown to the left is a crowned woodnymph. I saw a great number of them.
Very birdy place. 226 species seen, 122 lifers. Highlights: 3 more motmots (rufous, broad-billed, whooping), 3 more manakins (white-ruffed, blue-crowned, golden-collared), black-chested jay, tropical screech owl, black and white owl, emerald, bay-headed, tawny-crested and silver-throated tanagers, spot-crowned barbet, blue cotinga, blue dacnis, shining honeycreeper, great tinamou, plain antvireo, russet antshrike, fasciated antshrike, green shrike-vireo, moustached antwren, streak-chested antpitta, yellow-eared toucanet, stripe-cheeked woodpecker, tawny capped euphonia and… bay-breasted and mourning warblers (at last).
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